Free Personalized Anniversary Cards

Lots of free printable and personalized Anniversary cards for immediate download and print.

  1. Start by choosing your year's Anniversary card from the selection below.
  2. Click on the card image
  3. Download the card, it is on an editable pdf
  4. Open the card and edit the names
  5. Print and sign!

Each card has space under the image where you can add the names you want to personalize your Anniversary card with.

free personalized anniversary cards to print

Make Your Own Personalized Anniversary Card

Personalized 1st anniversary card
personalized 2nd anniversary card
personalized 3rd anniversary card
personalized 4th anniversary card
personalized 5th anniversary card
personalized 6th anniversary card
personalized 7th anniversary card
personalized 8th anniversary card
personalized 9th anniversary card
personalized 10th anniversary card
personalized 15th anniversary card
personalized 20th anniversary card
personalized 25th anniversary card
personalized 50th anniversary card

Printing Your Personalized Anniversary Card

  1. Our cards have been designed so you can print on a regular home printer and then fold them to create a great looking Anniversary card.
  2. To make your folds extra crisp run the back of a spoon over them to make them nice and neat. However, make sure the folds are in the right place before you do this!
  3. Use whatever paper you have in your printer as the double fold will make most paper stand up and you can use any color too. All of the printing will stand out on all colors apart from black paper.

And don't worry you can print as many copies as you need, plus save this page for your next milestone Anniversary card that you need.

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