24th Anniversary Gift Ideas
Here we have lots of 24th Anniversary Gift inspiration to help you find the perfect gift to fit with the theme for twenty four years married.
When you look at the traditional Anniversary list it jumps from the 20th straight to the 25th.
However, in the US the traditional gift is the Opal.
Here you will find
Traditional 24th Anniversary Gift Ideas
The Opal stone is truly beautiful and it almost doesn't look real with all of the colors that catch the light.
It is also the stone for faithful lovers which makes it a perfect Anniversary gift.
You can see more information on the Opal stone and the different styles in our guide here.
It is also believed that the Opal brings the holder good luck as it holds all the power of all the gemstones due to its great mixture of colors.
You can find stunning Opal
- rings
- necklaces
- earrings
- bracelets
- cufflinks
- opal covered keepsake box
- tie pin
- photo frame
Modern 24th Anniversary Gift Ideas
The modern 24th Anniversary gift symbol is Musical Instruments and for this you can be super creative to find the best gift.
- Obviously if they are already an accomplished musician you could look to buy a new musical instrument that you know they have always liked to own.
- If they are not but have always wanted to learn to play you could look at buying them a starter instrument and some beginner books or lessons. There are also lots of youtube videos to help them learn.
- You could also look at learning a new musical instrument together and learning a new skill together helps strengthen your romantic bond. (Purewow) And you never know you may end up being both so good you want to join a band.
- Another idea to include the theme in your 24th Anniversary Gift is to have a look at tickets to see a band that you have always wanted to see. If it is a while before you can see them you can include a CD of their latest album or Greatest Hits. We know that this is a bit old fashioned and most people like to download their favorite tracks but owning the CD is still fun.
- To go even more retro you could look at starting or adding to their vinyl collection. There is something so very cool about listening to music even if it does add have a bit of a crackle.
- As well as a band have they ever wanted to see or listen to classical music. You may be the youngest couple in the audience (trust us we were recently) but it is such an experience. We even were able to dance in the aisles, it was meant to be a waltz but we have no clue how to do that. Still fun though.

- And as music is the starting point for most dance you could also look to learn to dance together; tango, salsa, jive, line dancing and maybe even a waltz. Channel your inner Dancing with the Stars and you will be fine.
- You may have last properly danced at your First Dance on your Wedding Day and you can remember the moment by having the lyrics or piece of music framed for you. These are available on Etsy.
- If you are looking for wall art how about a framed poster of a concert that you have been too. You can quite often find these on either the Artists website, ebay or even facebook marketplace if you get lucky.
24th Anniversary Gifts for your Wife
When you are looking for a thoughtful gift for your Wife for your 24th Anniversary think about the beautiful moments that you have shared together that have included music.
- A gift linked to the first concert that you both went to would be amazing, it could be a poster, or even a band t-shirt or framed photographs from the concert.
- Or a CD or vinyl from your favorite band with tickets.
- If you are looking for jewelry you could have a musical themed necklace, this would be perfect if they play an instument themselves.
- Or you also have Opals to choose from and there are so many stunning pieces.
Lots of Handcrafted Opal Jewelry at novica here.
And also for ease have a look at Amazon's Opal Jewelry here.
24th Anniversary Gifts for your Husband
The best 24th anniversary Gifts for your Husband are ones that you know he will use and delight in having.
If he is into music then this year will be a relatively easy one for you as there are probably lots of musical gifts that he has had an eye on. If he is like most husband then there is always the danger that he has already bought it!
- A classic band t-shirt from his favorite band and album
- New speakers for his sound system
- A new sound system
- Albums that you know he will love in the way that you know he will love to listen to it; CD or vinyl.
- And don't forget that there may be headphones that he has had an eye on for a while - sound reducing or ones that are perfect for when he is out running.
The idea is to combine the symbol of musical instruments with his hobby.
There is of course Opals to use as the theme for your gift if he doesn't love music.
It is definitely worth having a look at Amazon for their Opal Cufflinks, there are so many to choose from and in all the colors as well as a choice of gold and silver.
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Homemade 24th Anniversary Gift Ideas
When it comes to homemade gift ideas for your 24th it will be much easier if you are musical.
Just think you performing their favorite song at a local live music venue or mic-night!
For most of us that will probably be a bit too much to even think about. So, how about a private concert at home?
Or if that fills you with terror how about the ultimate musical gift, their very own mix tape with all of the classic songs that you used to enjoy together and probably still do. The best bit is that this has been right up to date with a USB drive in the shape of a Cassette.
The other idea would be to make your own musical instrument, which is great if you are a talented woodworker or have the chance to practice. If not, it is best to leave that to the experts.
Travel 24th Anniversary Gifts
Let's start with the biggie travel idea which would be to go to Australia to have a go at mining your very own opals, or at least see how and where they are mined.
You could also look to take the ultimate road trip and travel in style to the venue for your concert you want to see.
If your concert happens to be in Europe then this would be perfect to combine music with travel.
Whatever you choose to do for your 24th Anniversary we wish you the happiest time celebrating and a toast to many more.
What is the 24th Anniversary called?
Your 24th Anniversary is called the Musical Instrument Anniversary.
Which doesn't quite flow as well as Silver Anniversary (next year's milestone Anniversary!)
What is the symbol for your 24th Anniversary?
- In the US the traditional symbol is Opal
- On the modern list it is Musical Instruments
- On the gemstone list it is Tanzanite which promotes compassion and links your mind with your heart.
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