Anniversary Vows
by Jeff Ewing
To see you each day through eyes of love To bite my tongue when enough is enough
To touch your skin as I walk by A pinch to the rump may even apply
To smell the roses and count the stars Though our love dwarves both by far
To make each night a woman’s dream To hold you close in a lover’s scene
To kiss your lips for each come and each go To make you smile through each to and each fro’
To be the rock when things go awry To be the answer when there’s so many why’s
To be a pillow when we say goodnight To live, laugh and love with all my might
These things I vow each year from my heart For without you, my love tomorrow could never start
Times Are Hard, Darling
by Shirley Elmokadem
Times are hard, darling
'What with there being a recession I can't afford to buy a present.' 'That's all right,' you say, 'I wasn't expecting one anyway.'
'What with times being hard, I couldn't even afford a card.' 'That's all right,' you say, 'I've still got last years anyway.'
'What with the company in liquidation I cancelled the dinner reservation.' 'That's all right,' you say, 'I'm on a diet anyway.'
What with you understanding in this way, Now I want to say. 'Happy anniversary, darling wife, You are my soul, my light, my life!'

Be My Valentine
by Nancy Chen
It was that illustrious sunny day I saw him, His figure dazzled in the rays. He sauntered casually, then hesitated Swooped up to me. "Miss, are you waiting for someone?" It was that moment that caught me. "Yes, Sir, I am." And then he flicked around and left, Standing alone, watching after his retreating, flamboyant figure. His looks aren't exactly identical, to the Ben Stiller he wants to be. But no, he's not Ben Stiller, He is Romeo in Shakespeare's play, And I am Juliet. He is Edward is Meyer's book, And Bella Swan is me. He is my Prince Charming, And I am his Snow White. He is the soldier in war, Who never says "die" . He doesn't even shield when he sees, a werewolf who could bite. We were, A pair of butterflies, Always carefree and happy. A pair of magnets, Always inseparable. A pair of earrings, Always with matching thoughts. A pair of flowers, Shading each other from the darkness. Two circles make one heart. Our hearts were linked. As Time Passed, It was that illustrious, sunny day I mourned, His figure dazzled in the rays He sauntered casually, then hestitated, Swooped up to me. "Thanks Miss, thank-you." It was that moment that caught me He started, then hugged me tightly, And he flicked around and left. Standing alone, watching for the rest of my life, by myself. Will he return? Please, be my Valentine.
Happy Anniversay Poem
by Gabriel Diaz
(Miami Beach)
I don't ever want to take you for granted. I don't ever want to forget what it was like before you or how it would be without you. I don't ever want to forget our first kiss or our last touch, or let a day go by without telling you how much I care...
I don't ever want you to doubt the way I feel or how much happier my life is because of you.
I love you.
Happy Anniversary
One More Year
by Makeiah
(Sicily Island, LA)
One more year, Since we said our vows, In front of friends, And family.
One more year, We been in love. Growing stronger and stronger, Love getting bigger and bigger.
Our anniversary so special, Another year we celebrate together, Golden years to come, So special.
One more year, We grown together, Being best friends, Not just lovers.
One more year, Added to the ones before, Enjoying our life together, Celebrating our anniversary,
Poem For When We First Got Engaged
by William Croxton Jr
On this special day I just want to proclaim My devotion for you grows Stronger in each and every way Bringing forth another blessed Year we are join together by our love
I'll Love In The Morning
by Dara Griffin
(Roscahill, Co. Galway, Ireland)
I'll love in the morning, I'll love you in the evening, when you've fallen to the ground, it's my love you'll have found. if you get sick of life, if you hate the world, I'll hold your hand, I'll call your name, and if I want to die, I hope you'll do the same. we've stumbled this far, we've made it till here, so let's not stop loving, for just one more year.
Life's A Beach
by Susan Jones
(United Kingdom.)
Frothy waves upon the sand, Walking along hand in hand.
Diamonds twinkling upon the sea, You're the perfect man for me,
As we stroll along the shore, Our love will last forevermore.
Idling away the hours in the day, That's my perfect holiday.
This Date
by Stephanie Etieno I Xtian
A milestone annual With thoughts and emotion The smiles never ceasing like The acts of devotion
From age to age There is a reminder, Such happening is an instant finder Lover’s tale, Romeo and Juliet For this favour I find is not one to regret But rather embrace, I can clearly see The value bestowed on your person In an outwardly,
Work of a God, guided by a celestial founder That deemed it fit to make your heart a sounder Emitting sweet words that lay on my mind And when I feel I miss them I always rewind
Something like a fairytale so I must be Cinderella Except you’re the rain and I’m the umbrella Together were antagonistic but we cannot fight The significance of ourselves in dark and in light, Modesty aside its simplistic delivery Diagnosed and concluded a certified epiphany
Charmed and cherished they both define, my consistent feelings in and out of time, Day or year I’ll appreciate in good fate Because my joy emission is evident from this date
Anniversary Poem For A Lovely Wife
by Craig Everett
(Benfleet Essex England)
The eyes that open and the sun that they see A smile of glee at the day that will be I can stare at the stars I can look at the sea But nothing compares to the love that will be Memories fade like tears in the rain memories a mind with so much to gain The moon will rise the moon will fall A sunrise so beautiful standing so tall A glance a smile a passion for life At the end of the day I call her my wife.
Short And Sweet Anniversary Poem
I love you forever I love you now I love you until I don't know how
One More Year
by Makeiah
(Sicily Island, LA)
One more year, We been married, Falling in love more and more, Day by day.
One more year, We been together, Like it was yesterday, When we first met.
One more year, We struggle, Through obstacles in life, Helping the other life.
One more year, Our anniversary So let's celebrate Today.
Love Of My Life
by bobbi lea
(fulton ny united states)
From the first moment I saw you , I knew that I would love you. from the first moment I kissed you , I wanted to keep you. through good times and bad , when we were silly , and some times sad I knew that I would always love you. It's been three years since our first kiss , and that is something I never want to miss. You are the love of my life, and I'm so honored to be your wife.
Love Recaptured
by Bruce Beaney
(Ashford UK)
As days go by and years unwind And time, at times, seems still Before we know or start to guess Time’s gone against our will
So let us heed the well worn phrase Time stands still for no man Sand seeps through, unhindered now Decades now we span
The outside says sit back, don’t care Beware, though, its misleading Make the most of what you have The heart gives truer feeling
Take the plunge, put in those steps Where angels fear to tread Time still flies but with resolve Love once more will spread
All days should present for you Your wants, needs and desires But only you can open them And find those dying fires
A special time, filled with love The day that we were wed Let not the hours ticking by Remove sentiments then said
Thank You
by Suzan L. Wiener
You take me to new heights, only the way you can. You make my heart feel alive. Your touch sends me into ecstasy. When we're together I can feel no sorrow, only happiness; warmth and goodness. You are the reason I go on. You are the reason my days are filled with delight. No one else can be the way you are - so wonderful. I thank you from my heart and soul. That's why on our special day, I'm wishing you a very happy Anniversary.
I Love You More Everyday
by David
(Limerick, Ireland)
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I still remember the day I fell in love with you, Ten years to this day, you took my breath away.
You shot me a glance, Who knew? It would be the beginning of a beautiful romance. We fell blissfully in love, Your hand in mine still fits like a glove.
Anniversary Poem For Mom and Dad
Happy Anniversary Mom and dad. You both have been here for me since day one and although this is your special day to share with one another, It's special, too, for everyone. That's why so many loving thoughts Come with this wish for you. For everything to make this day Just perfect for you two! You both mean more each day to me each day
We Fell Forever
by Lynda Blair Vernalia
(Westford, MA)
And there life was, in that far away look in your eyes. From a distant instant we two recapture everything we've been through.
I lay next to you on soft brown fabric. I stroked your hair, soft as a feather and twice as magic. When right in my mind -- as if there the whole time -- love made me instantly blind.
And I couldn't let you go. Now the diamond on my left finger can show the faith you had that I wouldn't go. On our anniversary we know
by instinct or insight -- or something less clever -- we knew that point was now or never; so we made a choice to stay together. In that one moment, we fell forever.
One Month Anniversary Poem
by Jessy Griffin
(Conrath, WI, USA)
Hello, my lover, Greetings, My Dear. I am deeply wishing That you were here.
Someday, I know We will be one. But for now we must smile, We're still under one sun.
We're sharing the sky Each and every day. We walk the same earth And continue to pray.
We will be together, My hope is so strong. I know yours is too, So it won't be too long...
Before the sun sets, In the sky that we share. You'll be at home and in bed... And I will be there. Happy one month together, My love and my light. May we continue on forward, In romantic delight.
The Photograph
by Val
She ran her fingers across his face Brushing gently over his lips He smiled back at her That smile that touched her very soul And would last forever Even though he was gone He still seemed so real She could almost smell him She wiped away a tear Softly whispering the words 'Happy Anniversary Dear.'
Happy 11th Anniversary Poem
by Penny Bennett
(North Conway NH)
Babe, They say in time we do forget for some.. that maybe true But how on earth can I forget the good times that we know..
I cannot give you riches, a mansion or a car. I cannot reach the heavens to bring you down a star
But take this heart I'll give to you, it may not seem a lot Please handle it with care as this has been saved for you baby.. This is what I have to give to you...
Happy 11th Year Anniversary Baby..
A Year Today...
by Margaret Andrea Talbot
(Merseyside, England)
A year today my darling Hasn't it flown by? You're on my mind constantly My special, loving guy.
I love you so very much You know I really do. And even though you never say I know you love me too.
Wherever I may wander Wherever I may go, I know that you'll be by my side My heart tells me so.
Today I bring you flowers Just like I always do, As this is now the only gift That I can give to you.
I'll kneel and sit awhile with you My smile will hide my pain, As I am sure of one true fact We'll be together again.
They say time is a healer I say time's in the way, For when we meet again my love It will be the greatest day!
Words Found
by P
Somewhere someone's looking for the words... To say, "I love you;" To say, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you;" To say, "I need you;" To say, "You are my best friend."
I don't have to find the words Because you make them easy to find.
I have so much to say; We lasted more than a day Being the people who we are To have gotten this far Brings me so much joy That we did not have to employ Facades to continue to be You and me.
Sweet Wife Love brought Us together As husband and wife And gave each of us A best friend for life.
Wishing You a Lifetime of Loving Memories
Happy Anniversary,
My Darling !!!
My Fairy Tale
by Jennifer Valentin
(Pine Beach New, Jersey)
When we made love, I cried I cried because looking in your eyes Was far beyond your eyes I saw happiness I saw dangerous moments I saw my flaws See I was on this emotional roller coaster like Floetry But this was something so much different Because this was my poetry And your eyes were the color of Emerald like the Emerald City And I didn’t know if I was Dorothy and should have followed the yellow brick road Or if I was Toto and should have just played it cool. All I knew was I was on a trip like Alice and I just wanted to search your Wonderland. See you reminded me of Athena Your skin pale and your back curved Should I have painted you? Taking a picture was beyond what I desired because it didn’t seem to last long enough But you were scared of me. Like beauty in the beast I am Belle comfortable with you But the Beast in you Hides your face your affection See I know you are feeling things you never felt before And your stepsisters continue to keep you from telling the truth But Cinderella always finds her way out. See I could take care of you like the seven dwarfs and if you Ever left me I would find you like Prince Charming. So let’s make history like the Princess and the Frog And the three little pigs can be our witness That love is not a potion And that you remind me of Ariel swimming through the ocean My head seems to be coasting through the sky And I can be your Jasmine or your lullaby Because see I always believed that fairy tales weren’t meant to be But when I met you I was complete So continue to be my fairytale And I’ll continue to stare in your eyes Because my genie will never have enough wishes to grant me And tigger can continue to bounce off the walls if that’s what makes him happy And Winnie will never have enough honey to compare to you So I’ll continue to live in my fairyland with you And remain falling in love with you Happy Anniversary
The Road to You
by Patricia Dewar
(Hamilton, Ontario Canada)
The road to you has taken a very long time For me to finally reach and find The love that some would say is due to fate And that true happiness is really worth the wait
Being with you has been just grand You are truly a wonderful and caring man You touch me in ways you will never know And that is why I've come to love you so
It's been one year since that fateful night When we started down this road of flight Though bumps and curves we have endured You will be there for me I am assurd
Over all the ride has been just great It has shown me that it's not to late To find real love that is honest and true The love I found at the end of the road to you
I Once Was A Woman And Then You Came Along
by Rochelle Travers
(United KIngdom)
I once was a woman of few words I once was a woman incomplete I once was a woman who desired nothing I once was a woman saving a seat.
Then you came and finished my sentences Then you came and I was finally complete Then you came and ignited my desire Then you came and I now celebrate, Each and every year a new The day we did meet And the day that we said "I do".
Love At First Sight
by Chelsey Leigh Bowering
At first my heart began to beat When I saw you in the street My eyes were peering and began to stare I began to shake and I didn't care
You're walk was memorising And you clothes were sweet You made me dizzy And my heart skipped a beat
You hurried past me in a rush Scared you may miss the bus I got on and paid the fare Sat in front and began to stare
You looked so innocent with a grin Then I whispered "I'v fallen for him" So here's my story of a princess and her knight A story with a meaning it was love at first sight
Yet, On This Day
by Jeff Longeddy
(Harvest, AL)
I'd never thought to awake in wonder of you, Nor did I anticipate marriage as a habit, yet, on this day, I stand in awe
Your chair is waiting, as I for you, the shower head drips, mourning your passing, yet, on this day, I stand in awe
Tone of arguments, lament misunderstandings, fiery gazes leave ozone as an afterthought, yet, on this day, I stand in awe
You are expected, as a sunrise, familiar as the face I shave, yet on this day, I stand in awe
Yet, on this day, I stand in awe, Thankful that in a world of billions, You and I have this unique commitment
On Our Fourth Anniversary
by Ralph
(Tucson, AZ)
This year as we celebrate anniversary number four I want you to know the reasons that each day I love you more and more In life those things are most important to do Are just the things that are most important to you In these we share a common passion And for these reasons my love for your grows each day in every fashion To every person you show such deep respect, caring and concern Every day with all of those who you interact, you seek to understand, listen and learn You never fail to offer words of praise, compassion and love And these principles always guide your life and are gifts from above We each share this common way of approaching life every day in all we do So, Sweetheart, on this, our fourth anniversary I want you to know that for every day for the rest of my live, I will always love you
Anniversarys Are Meant For
by levana
Anniversarys are meant for happiness, For joy and for laughter Anniversarys are meant for people, Like you and me Anniversarys are meant to be, Forever and always... But most of all Anniversarys are meant for love!
Anniversary Poem Love For All Times
by J. R. Cruz
(Tucson, Az.)
The love of my life is truly my wife, who brings no strife, and makes me feel alive.
Another year here, with never a fear, that she will steer to another "dear"
Our Anniversary of Love sent from above, as soft as a dove, and still fits like a glove.
My heart of all hearts, We never shall part, For we had a great start From Cupid's love-cart.
And when at that day Where time's gone away, We'll continue to say, Our love's here to stay!
To My Everlasting Love
I know I've told you many times How much I love you, Dear, And how it seems to me You grow still sweeter every year, But since this is our special day, I'm saying it once more With an even deeper meaning Than it's ever had before.
Here's To Forever
by Joseph Millen
When I first saw you Your beauty blew me away.
When I got around you, I knew where I was destined to stay.
In your mind, In your soul, As well as heart.
Every time I look at you, You beauty hits me like a dart. When I think of you, I wanna thank god for you.
This I promise, To always be true.
I swear to love you with breath I breathe.
You my sweet dear I Will leave never.
So here's to you my wife, Here's to Life! Here's to Forever!!!
Freeze Not Thy Wedding Cake
by Kit Redeker
(Beaverton, OR USA)
White satin bows marched down the rows of pews, candles glowed at the altar, and we made promises for years to come before we ran into the August sun. Our friends threw rice in our young faces that hurt and stung like hardships so soon to come. A year later, a well-looked-at book of photos reminded us of that day, and in the freezer, to our dismay, we found our cake's top layer in much sad disarray. We laughed, and sharing sugar roses, kissed stale frosting from our noses.